By David Thurin

Rediscovering Movement: Why We Should Act Like Kids Again




You know, it's kind of funny. When we were babies, we were these tiny, wobbly, clueless beings, but there was one thing we all had in common – an unyielding drive to move.

From that first bob of our heads to those daring leaps off the couch (that led to Mom's heart attacks), the movement was a language we were born to speak. 

But at some point, someone yelled, "Stop!" and suddenly, climbing that tree or scaling that wall seemed like a no-go. Let's take a nostalgic jog down memory lane, shall we?

The Innate Desire to Move: A Baby's Journey

1. Lifting the head

Remember those videos of babies trying to lift their heads? The monumental effort it took, the little grunts, and the final victorious lift? That wasn't just any random movement. It was our very first taste of independence and strength. It was us saying, "Hey, world! Here I am, and I'm ready to explore."

2. Rolling, crawling, walking

Fast forward a bit, and we've got these stages down pat. Rolling around was our first taste of freedom. Man, rolling was cool, wasn't it?

It got us from Point A to Point B without much fuss. Then came crawling – the locomotive upgrade we didn’t know we needed. And walking? That was the game-changer. 

Suddenly, the world wasn't just what we could reach from the floor; it was anything our little feet could take us to.

3. Running and jumping

This was the next level. Feeling the wind whoosh past as we chased after the ice cream truck or bolted away in a game of tag.

And jumping? Pure, unadulterated joy. Whether it was into a pile of leaves or just trying to touch the sky, it was the epitome of freedom.

The 'No Climbing' Rule: The Barrier to Further Exploration

But then, as we grew a tad bit older, something shifted. "Don't climb that," "It's too dangerous," "You'll get hurt!" We began to hear these warnings. It wasn’t just our moms being overprotective; society said, "Stay safe. Stay grounded." The world suddenly had rules and climbing, well, that wasn't in the rulebook.

The Unseen Effects

By boxing in our movement, something vital was lost. Those limiting beliefs started creeping in. That wall? Too high to climb. That tree? It's way too risky. We never really noticed, but gradually, our sense of exploration and daring dulled. We became cautious and hesitant. Our expansive world started shrinking.


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Beyond Limitations: The World of Movement Awaits

1. Climbing

Ever looked up at a tree or a rock wall and felt a little tingling in your fingers, an urge to just... climb? That's not just a random thought. It's our innate desire to conquer heights and push our limits. 

Climbing isn't just about getting to the top; it's about overcoming our internal fears, testing our limits, and proving to ourselves that we've still got it. Remember, every mountain top is within reach if we just keep climbing.

2. Falling Safely

Okay, let's be real – we're bound to slip, trip, and faceplant once in a while. But there's an art to falling without breaking a bone or our spirits.

It's about resilience, about knowing that every fall is a lesson, a stepping stone to getting better. It's not about never falling; it's about getting back up every single time with even more determination.

3. Rolling and Cartwheeling

Remember the sheer joy of rolling down a hill? Or the thrill of nailing that first cartwheel? These aren't just fun kiddie activities.

They're expressions of agility, fluidity, and freedom. It's our body saying, "I'm flexible, I'm strong, and I'm having a blast doing it!" So, why not roll with it?

The Adult Syndrome: The Birth of Limiting Beliefs

As we grow up, we're fed a script. A script that dictates what's 'normal,' what's 'safe,' and what's 'expected.'

Climbing trees? "Act your age!" Cartwheeling in a park? "People will stare!" These societal norms subtly, yet effectively, snuff out our adventurous spark. Before we know it, we're caged by what’s “appropriate” and “expected,” forgetting the thrill of uninhibited movement.

Kids have this uncanny ability to look at the world with wonder. A simple stick becomes a sword, a cardboard box a spaceship. They explore without boundaries. Adults, on the other hand, often see obstacles, risks, and limitations.

We've traded our sense of wonder for caution. But imagine what could happen if we dared to look at the world with a child's eyes again?

The psychological and physical repercussions of sidelining movement in adulthood

It's not just about missing out on fun. Limiting our movement has real consequences. Psychologically, it can lead to feeling trapped or stagnant. Without new challenges, we risk becoming complacent.

Physically? The old "use it or lose it" saying rings true. Muscles weaken, flexibility wanes, and our overall health can take a hit. Movement isn't just about fitness; it's about holistic well-being.

Rekindling the Child Within: The Way Forward

Benefits of reintroducing diverse movements into our lives:

Picture this: You, yes, you, cartwheeling through a park on a sunny day, feeling the grass beneath and the sky above. Sounds silly? Think again! When we reintroduce diverse movements, not only do we work out different muscle groups, but we also boost our mental health.

You’ll find yourself laughing more, stressing less, and embracing that inner child that's been itching to come out and play. Plus, there's something genuinely empowering about moving your body in ways you once thought were off-limits.

Steps to break free from limiting beliefs

Now, I get it. The world's been telling you to sit tight and behave. But here's the deal:

  • Question the Norms: Ask yourself, why shouldn't you climb that tree or jump in that puddle? Who made these 'grown-up' rules anyway?
  • Start Small: No need to go scaling skyscrapers. Maybe just try a gentle roll on your living room floor or a little hopscotch in your backyard.
  • Find Your Tribe: Surround yourself with folks who get it. Join a dance class, a parkour group, or just play catch with your kids. Shared joy is double joy!
  • Silence the Naysayers: There will always be that one person who'll raise an eyebrow. Smile, wave, and keep moving. Remember, you're doing this for you.

Practical tips for adults to safely start exploring movement again: 

As much as I'm championing the cause of moving like a kid again, I'm not ignoring the fact that we might need a little prep. Here’s the grown-up bit:

  • Stretch it Out: Before any physical activity, always ensure you're warmed up. A little stretching goes a long way in preventing injuries.
  • Safety First: Remember, you're exploring, not tempting fate. So, wear the right gear, be it shoes, helmets, or knee pads.
  • Listen to Your Body: It'll tell you when something feels good and when something's off. If something hurts, stop. No heroics needed.
  • Stay Hydrated: Simple but crucial. Keep water handy, especially if you're going all out.
  • Have Fun: This is the most important bit. If it doesn't make you smile or feel alive, what’s the point?


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Bottom Line

Life's not about how many years we live but how fully we live them. So, shake off those adult shackles, embrace the joy of uninhibited movement, and let your inner child lead the dance.

After all, staying Flexi isn't just about bending your body; it's about bending the rules of 'grown-up' living. Let's move, explore, and truly live.